
面積237.10平方㎞北海道のほぼ中央富良野盆地の北部に位置し、十勝岳山系と丘陵の畑が続く 人口はわずか1万人弱の小さな町です。
北海道はどの市町村でも、明治時代に、未開の森や原野に本州から入植し、農業開発を行った開拓の歴史がありますが、上富良野だけは二回の開拓史があるのです。自然の猛威に屈せず、あらゆる苦難を克服し、北海道有数の美しい景観が広がる、そんな場所に「Rising Sun Furano」はあります。

Our Town, Kamifurano

The township of Kamifurano was established in 1897, with its development focused on agriculture by pioneers from Mie Prefecture. Spanning 237 square kilometers of the northern reaches of the Furano valley, Kamifurano is located approximately in the center of Hokkaido. This small town is home to a little over 10,000 people.
In 1926, Mount Tokachi erupted, and within twenty minutes, a major disaster ensued as the farmland and township were inundated with volcanic mudflow. Only through the strong will and determination of Kamifurano’s residents was the town able to recover.
This tragedy is an unforgettable part of local history, and is the subject of renowned writer Ayako Miura’s 1976 novel, Deiryu Chitai (“In the Path of the Mudflow”), which is set in Kamifurano.
Many of Hokkaido’s towns were founded during Japan’s Meiji era, from the mid 1800s to the early 1900s, as settlers from Japan’s main island of Honshu cultivated agricultural land amidst the untouched forests and plains. However, Kamifurano is the only town in Hokkaido to have been fully rebuilt. Rising Sun Furano stands here, amidst some of Hokkaido’s most beautiful scenery, in the same place where Kamifurano’s people bravely stood against the might of nature.
