
MAP Code 349 580 803*04

「Rising Sun Furano」は、眺望の良い国道237号線「深山峠」の坂の途中にあります。 国道に面しているため、迷うことはありません。しかし坂道ならではの車の速度に影響されやすい弱点もあります。 ご宿泊をご予約のお客様は、動画の「敷地への侵入の仕方」を必ずご覧下さい。駐車場は16:00から翌日10:00まで無料です。(駐車場での事故につきましては一切の責任を負いかねます) 交通安全上の観点から、旭川美瑛方面からお越しになる方をお勧めします。


道央自動車道 三笠IC・国道38号線で富良野、中富良野を経由約2時間15分 国道237号線、上富良野の市街地を過ぎて坂道を登る途中の右側
旭川鷹栖IC・国道237線で美瑛を経由約2時間40分でもお越しいただけます。 旭川市街・旭川空港からは約50分。国道237号線で深山峠を下ってくると左側


JR北海道富良野線 上富良野駅下車 タクシーで約10分 (送迎は行っておりません)

Getting Here

Rising Sun Furano is located along a sloped section of the scenic Miyama Pass on National Highway 237. As we are located along the highway, it is easy to spot. However, please be mindful of your speed, due to the slope. When visiting by car, please be certain to read the separate notes on “How to Enter the Rising Sun Furano Property”. Due to the slope, we recommend approaching Rising Sun Furano from Biei / Asahikawa (from the north). If using a car navigation system, we recommend to locate Rising Sun Furano by the MapCode 349 580 803*04. MapCode is geographically based, and will return our exact location. In some cases, depending on your navigation system, the telephone number may not work.

[By Car]

From Sapporo via Hokkaido Expressway, the shortest route takes about 2 hours 15 minutes. Exit the expressway at Mikasa IC, then take National Route 38 to Furano. Turn north on National Route 237 to Nakafurano and on to Kamifurano. After passing through downtown Kamifurano, Rising Sun Furano is located on your right, along an uphill slope. You can also take Hokkaido Expressway to Takasu IC, and travel via Asahikawa and Biei using National Route 237. The total travel time is about 2 hours and 40 minutes. Travel time from Asahikawa City Center is about 50 minutes, or about 30 minutes from Asahikawa Airport. As you descend Miyama Pass on National Route 237, Rising Sun Furano will be on your left.

[By Train]

Alight at Kamifurano Station on the JR Hokkaido Furano Line. Rising Sun Furano is approximately 10 minutes by taxi from the station.Pick-up service from the station is not available.
