A boutique accommodation, all for just three couples at a time

Restful and elegant accommodation providing “time off for grown-ups”

Rising Sun Furano was launched in summer 2017, in the heart of Furano’s Kitanomine Ski Village. We welcomed many visitors from throughout Japan in Furano’s beautiful green season, and hosted ski tourists from around the world in winter. During the coronavirus pandemic, we took the opportunity to move forward with our dream of many years to relocate to the nearby town of Kamifurano. In 2023, Rising Sun Furano will reopen amidst Kamifurano’s vast, nature-filled lands.



Rising Sun Furanoは2017年夏、富良野スキー場近くの北の峰地区で誕生しました。 夏は国内の観光客のお客様、冬は海外からのスキーヤーのお客様に支持されてきましたが世界的な新型コロナ感染拡大を機会に、長年の計画であった上富良野町への移転を決め、2023年、美しい自然に恵まれた大地が広がる「かみふらの町」に新たに生まれ変わりました。






面積237.10平方㎞北海道のほぼ中央富良野盆地の北部に位置し、十勝岳山系と丘陵の畑が続く 人口はわずか1万人弱の小さな町です。
北海道はどの市町村でも、明治時代に、未開の森や原野に本州から入植し、農業開発を行った開拓の歴史がありますが、上富良野だけは二回の開拓史があるのです。自然の猛威に屈せず、あらゆる苦難を克服し、北海道有数の美しい景観が広がる、そんな場所に「Rising Sun Furano」はあります。

Our Town, Kamifurano

The township of Kamifurano was established in 1897, with its development focused on agriculture by pioneers from Mie Prefecture. Spanning 237 square kilometers of the northern reaches of the Furano valley, Kamifurano is located approximately in the center of Hokkaido. This small town is home to a little over 10,000 people.
In 1926, Mount Tokachi erupted, and within twenty minutes, a major disaster ensued as the farmland and township were inundated with volcanic mudflow. Only through the strong will and determination of Kamifurano’s residents was the town able to recover.
This tragedy is an unforgettable part of local history, and is the subject of renowned writer Ayako Miura’s 1976 novel, Deiryu Chitai (“In the Path of the Mudflow”), which is set in Kamifurano.
Many of Hokkaido’s towns were founded during Japan’s Meiji era, from the mid 1800s to the early 1900s, as settlers from Japan’s main island of Honshu cultivated agricultural land amidst the untouched forests and plains. However, Kamifurano is the only town in Hokkaido to have been fully rebuilt. Rising Sun Furano stands here, amidst some of Hokkaido’s most beautiful scenery, in the same place where Kamifurano’s people bravely stood against the might of nature.





「Rising Sun Furano」では地元熱愛のグルメ「味付け豚さがり」の加工販売も行っております。 移転した理由の一つ、ゲストにこの豚さがりを是非味わっていただきたかったのです。 ラウンジでもあり、レストラン、Barでもあるカウンター席はお部屋と同じくマウンテンビュー。ご夕食は狭いながらも高い天井空間と地元食材を中心にしたお料理を用意いたしました。特別なものはありませんが、上富良野のソウルフードを楽しみながら、歴史と自然が生み出す空間でゆっくりと流れる大人の時間をお過ごし下さい。(ご夕食付きのご宿泊プランは6月中旬から販売予定です)

Rising Sun Furano is owned and operated by the family of a local butcher shop.

Rising Sun Furano also manufactures and sells ajitsuke buta sagari (marinated pork hanging tender), a much-beloved dish of Kamifurano’s locals. One of our reasons for relocating to Kamifurano is so that our guests can try this true local flavor at its finest and freshest. Rising Sun’s intimate, high-ceilinged counter seating area serves as our lobby, restaurant, and bar, offering the same sweeping mountain views as our guest rooms. Our unpretentious cooking emphasises local ingredients and genuine local recipes. We hope that experiencing true “Kamifurano soul food” is the perfect complement to exploring our town’s beautiful nature and noteworthy history.



エントランスから伸びる廊下が客室への入り口です。 客室のサインは、地元在住のプロの写真家 高橋真澄さんの写真です。お部屋に名前はありません。 各部屋にはセミダブルタイプのベッド2台、シャワールーム、独立したトイレ、全自動ドラム式洗濯機、そしてお部屋からは見事な眺望。北海道の最高峰旭岳を正面に十勝岳連峰が望め、雄大な景色が広がります。 いつでもどこでも見れるテレビは設置しておりません。非日常の貴重な旅の時間とゆっくりと流れる空間にテレビは必要ないと考えたからです。 チューナーレスのモニターを各部屋に設置していますので、各種アカウントをお持ちの方は、自分のスタイルで過ごすことも可能です。

There are only three guest rooms.

The corridor extending from the entrance serves as the entrance to the rooms.The room signs are photographs taken by a local professional photographer, Masumi Takahashi. The rooms are not named. Each room features two semi-double beds, a shower room, a separate toilet, a fully automatic drum-type washing machine, and splendid views from the room. With the majestic Hokkaido Asahidake directly in front and the Tokachi mountain range, there's a magnificent panoramic view. Television sets are not provided. To enhance the experience of an adult's holiday, we believe there's no need for it in this leisurely and comfortable space where you can savor elegant, unhurried moments. Tuner-less monitors are available in each room, allowing those with various accounts to spend their time in their own style.


MAP Code 349 580 803*04

「Rising Sun Furano」は、眺望の良い国道237号線「深山峠」の坂の途中にあります。 国道に面しているため、迷うことはありません。しかし坂道ならではの車の速度に影響されやすい弱点もあります。 ご宿泊をご予約のお客様は、動画の「敷地への侵入の仕方」を必ずご覧下さい。駐車場は16:00から翌日10:00まで無料です。(駐車場での事故につきましては一切の責任を負いかねます) 交通安全上の観点から、旭川美瑛方面からお越しになる方をお勧めします。


道央自動車道 三笠IC・国道38号線で富良野、中富良野を経由約2時間15分 国道237号線、上富良野の市街地を過ぎて坂道を登る途中の右側
旭川鷹栖IC・国道237線で美瑛を経由約2時間40分でもお越しいただけます。 旭川市街・旭川空港からは約50分。国道237号線で深山峠を下ってくると左側


JR北海道富良野線 上富良野駅下車 タクシーで約10分 (送迎は行っておりません)

Getting Here

Rising Sun Furano is located along a sloped section of the scenic Miyama Pass on National Highway 237. As we are located along the highway, it is easy to spot. However, please be mindful of your speed, due to the slope. When visiting by car, please be certain to read the separate notes on “How to Enter the Rising Sun Furano Property”. Due to the slope, we recommend approaching Rising Sun Furano from Biei / Asahikawa (from the north). If using a car navigation system, we recommend to locate Rising Sun Furano by the MapCode 349 580 803*04. MapCode is geographically based, and will return our exact location. In some cases, depending on your navigation system, the telephone number may not work.

[By Car]

From Sapporo via Hokkaido Expressway, the shortest route takes about 2 hours 15 minutes. Exit the expressway at Mikasa IC, then take National Route 38 to Furano. Turn north on National Route 237 to Nakafurano and on to Kamifurano. After passing through downtown Kamifurano, Rising Sun Furano is located on your right, along an uphill slope. You can also take Hokkaido Expressway to Takasu IC, and travel via Asahikawa and Biei using National Route 237. The total travel time is about 2 hours and 40 minutes. Travel time from Asahikawa City Center is about 50 minutes, or about 30 minutes from Asahikawa Airport. As you descend Miyama Pass on National Route 237, Rising Sun Furano will be on your left.

[By Train]

Alight at Kamifurano Station on the JR Hokkaido Furano Line. Rising Sun Furano is approximately 10 minutes by taxi from the station.Pick-up service from the station is not available.
